We are all the same. Nothing can bring you luck forever,
except your innermost self, except your thoughts and your faith.
Everybody comes down on earth to feel. Most people think all of this is really real.
What makes us happy is to know ourselves and to understand we are all the same.
The world is just a thought. A thought to bring us all the joy.
So go out and relax. Understand you are in a dream.
Everybody comes down on earth to feel. Most people think all of this is really real.
What makes us happy is to know ourselves and to understand we are all the same.
Dreams are only thoughts, thoughts controlled by yourself.
Come on and live your life. The life you really want to live...
Everybody comes down on earth to feel. Most people think all of this is really real.
What makes us happy is to know ourselves and to understand we are all the same.
Dreams and thoughts come true. You just have to believe...
Everybody comes down on earth to feel. Most people think all of this is really real.
What makes us happy is to know ourselves and to understand we are all the same.
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