There is good Reggae Music. There are good crazy guitars.
There are yodeling men. There are electronic sounds.
But most of all I like happy songs with some fun and a bit of sense.
Made with love.
Like the songs I write. I make jokes! Yes, that's right!
Enjoy music...
There are songs about pain and songs about broken hearts.
There are angry songs and songs about the war.
But most of all I like happy songs with some fun and a bit of sense.
Made with love.
Like the songs I write. I make jokes! Yes, that's right!
Enjoy music...
There are people who can sing and there are people who cannot sing.
There are people who try. And I just sing.
But most of all I like happy songs with some fun and a bit of sense.
Made with love.
Like the songs I write. I make jokes! Yes, that's right!
Enjoy music...
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