Make Dreams Real

My dreams are my paradise inside me.

I can dream them or I can make them real.

It's up to me, only up to me.

I feel so bad when I see people losing their dreams on the way.


My dreams are what I want to feel

and who I really want to be

in this world. Dreams should come true.

I should live my dreams or life is not how it was planned to be.


I know I can live my dreams and

I know I can be who I want to be.

I just have to bring it out of me

into this world by attracting it with all of my love.


I remember my dreams when I was a child.

I knew for sure they would come true.

I had no doubts. But what happened?

Never say "I can't do this". Never listen to somebody 

who says "you can't do this".

They are Searching for Aliens Out There Lyrics

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