There is a story about a bee and me. I lay in the grass, thought about things I can't see:
"Where is God and who is he? Who am I and who will I be?
What is wrong and what is right? Is life peace or is life a fight?"
"Hey! There is a bee. It seems it is watching me!"
"Hello, sweet little bee! Can you tell me?"
"Hey Joe, don't worry. Life was made to have fun.
You are an angel. Right! Just like everyone."
"God is here and God is there. He is love and all there is.
You will always be the light. There is nothing wrong and nothing right.
Just be and enjoy the life. All knows this except you!"
"Thanks for talking with me lovely sweet bee.
Deep inside I know right is what you can see.
Goodbye my angel. Fly away and have fun.
Tell the wonderful world you are a light of the sun."
"Hey Joe, don't worry! Life was made to have fun.
Tell the wonderful world you are a light of the sun!"
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